ONCE A GAME HAS BEGUN, IT MUST BE FINISHED— This is the main rule accepted by all participants in the game of Leela.
The Start of the Game:The game begins and ends at cell 68 — "Cosmic Consciousness." From there, each player takes turns rolling a die with a query.
To begin their journey on the game board, a player must roll a 6. The moment of entry, the moment when the 6 is rolled, is very important because it signifies that the player's query is most relevant at that moment.
Rules for Rolling the Die:When a 6 is rolled, the die is always (not just at the start, but also during movement on the board) rolled again until a number different from 6 appears.
- If a player rolls a single 6 at the start, followed by a number other than 6, they first move to the "Illusion" cell (6) and then continue their journey according to the numbers rolled on the die.
Important! To avoid confusion when rolling multiple 6s, it is better to continue rolling the die until a number different from 6 appears. Only after that, in accordance with the rules, should the player proceed with their movement on the board. If a player lands on a cell with the base of an arrow, they ascend to the cell with the tip of the arrow. If they land on a cell with the head of a snake, they descend to the cell with the tip of its tail.
- The Rule of Three Sixes:
- If a player rolls three 6s consecutively, followed by a number between 1 and 5, the three 6s "burn out," and the player moves only the value rolled after them. This move always particularly emphasizes the moment in the game and the cell the player lands on in this way.
For example, if a player rolls three 6s consecutively, followed by a 1, the three 6s "burn out," and only the 1 is taken into account. In this case, the player moves one step.
If this happens at the start of the game, the player stops at cell 1 — "Birth."
If a player rolls 1, 2, 4, or more consecutive 6s, they do not "burn out," and the player makes the corresponding number of steps, always considering the snakes and arrows encountered along the way.
- If a player ascends to the 8th level of the Lila board and rolls a number that cannot currently be played, it "burns out."
- If one of the numbers rolled brings the player to cell 68 — "Cosmic Consciousness" — the game is over.
End of the Game:The game is considered finished when the player returns to cell 68 — "Cosmic Consciousness." For the player, this means they have received all the answers to their questions and the specific experience gained during their journey in the game of Leela.